FORRÓ PÉ NA JACA (live bad ) 03/11 20:30h
Forró ao vivo em Bruxelas com a banda Pé na Jaca!*
Forró in Brusels LIVE with Pé na Jaca
Autumn is finally here, evenings are getting longer, and it’s a great opportunity to enjoy some creative dancing and warm up with Brazilian vibes..Programme:
20:30 – 21:30 – DJ set
21:30 – Concert Pe na JacaLineup:
Diego Alfaro: voice, guitar and cavaquinho
Klara Ferdova: voice and percussion
Piergiorgio Pirro: accordion
Flavio Maciel de Souza: bass guitar
Nyllo Canela: percussionEntrance: 15 €
Discount price: 12 € (*BEFORE 21:00, ATÉ 21:00*)